Air Duct Cleaning Redwood City



Keep the indoor air quality in your home fresh with the valuable air duct cleaning tips available on this page.

Are you looking for useful air duct cleaning tips? If your reply is positive, you have come to the right place. This page contains practical advice and ideas for every homeowner. Read the content carefully to understand it clearly and do everything correctly. Get started now.

Get the entire system checked before HVAC unit replacement

Given that you will make a considerable investment in the device, you must ensure that all other components of the system will work optimally. Our experts recommend that close attention should be paid to the air ducts and filters. They must be perfectly clean. Ducts have to be fixed and filters have to be replaced, if needed.

Make sure all HVAC system components are clean

From condenser unit cleaning to the cleaning of evaporators, registers and fans, all parts of the HVAC system must be thoroughly cleaned. Our specialists insist that attention must be given to the condenser unit, since it is the unit outside. The blower blades must be free of debris and the whole unit must be cleaned on both external and internal sides so that the air transferred through will be clean.

Don’t try to mask the condenser unit.

It is true that the unit isn’t a particularly attractive part of the outdoor settings, but the area around it and above it has to be completely open to ensure the proper release of exhaust air. It is best if you secure a two-foot perimeter on the sides and a four-foot perimeter above the unit. You should not plant anything around it trying to create wall of flowers or other plants.

Clean around the outdoor HVAC unit after a storm

Remove leaves, twigs and other debris as soon as possible. Check the unit for damage and especially for bending of the coil fins.

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Air Duct Cleaning Redwood City, 650-653-7758, Shorebird Circle, Redwood City, California, 94065,